+41 31 371 7979 info@novaincepta.ch


Nova Incepta AG

Repair and logistic services for all companies operating telecommunication networks.

Stock Management

Welcome to Nova Incepta AG


It is our goal to maximize the value of the network infrastructure investment of our customers and to extent the operation lifetime of the respective equipment. Based on our longstanding Know How in the telecommunication industry our service provisioning is independent of suppliers and brands.

Our Service Offerings

Hardware repair services

Hardware procurement

Hardware refurbishment

Stock management and logistics

Mean for our Customers

Cost reduction of network infrastructure operation and maintenance

Maximiziation of the value of the existing network infrastructure

Extension of the operation lifetime of the network hardware

Cost reduction of the spareparts stock management

Only one single-point-of-Contact for all brands and systems used

Support for managed services providers

Simple and flexible webbased processes

Our Services in Detail

Hardware Repair Services

Hardware Procurement

Hardware Refurbishment

Management & Logistics services for spare parts stock