+41 31 371 7979 info@novaincepta.ch

Nova Incepta Spring Tapping in West Kenya

Tapped Springs to Ensure the Quality of Drinking Water

Supporting the longstanding strategy of Nova Incepta AG for a sustainable conduct of business, the management of Nova Incepta AG has decided to donate the annual fund formerly dedicated to Christmas- and yearend-presents to the SOFDI initiative (www.Sofdi.com). Together with SOFDI natural springs („NDETA Spring“) where built in western Kenya, which contribute to a safer and healthier water supply to the local Community.

We would like to thank our customers who strongly support this initiative.

NDETA Spring ProjeCt

Sponsored by

12th June 2021 No.1346

Asalikha Spring PROJECT

Sponsored by

21st February 2022 No.1480

A presentation by the SOFDI Foundation: